An issue of `json-rpc.read` returning `nil`

There is a condition under which json-rpc.read returns nil. As far as I've been able to understand when debugging the communication between eglot and fennel-ls, eglot initially sends 3 messages:

  • Content length
  • An empty string
  • The json content itself.

The problem occurs with the point 2 of that list, when json-rpc.read returns nil because the msg at https://git.sr.ht/~xerool/fennel-ls/tree/main/item/src/fennel-ls.fnl#L37 gets immediately sent to dispatch.handle, and if it was nil, it breaks stuff there.

So I had to wrap it into a when, to prevent the LS from crashing internally, and for it to be able to survive on to actually get to process the json content that comes next.

At this point, I 'm not sure what's going on. Obviously, fennel-ls should not have this problem, and the problem that I described in the previous issue about cutting the content size string too short.

I think it might be some OS-specific or version-specific issue on my side, but I would have no idea since it's the first time that I'm dealing with eglot and fennel-ls.

Does this situation with the nil look off?

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2 months ago
2 months ago
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~noncom 2 months ago

On the other hand, if returning nil should not be something tha ever happens, then why is there is an explicit nil that can be returned from https://git.sr.ht/~xerool/fennel-ls/tree/main/item/src/fennel-ls/json-rpc.fnl#L18, which causes a cascade of nill returns..

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