Comment by ~yantar92 on ~tsdh/highlight-parentheses.el
"~tsdh" writes:
It would be nice if you could give that version some testing before I make another ELPA release.
After two days, I do not see any issues.
-- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at Support Org development at, or support my work at
Comment by ~yantar92 on ~tsdh/highlight-parentheses.el
"~tsdh" writes:
Hm, I thought I had fixed that with 6a41199 concerning #6 where the fix is in version 2.2.1 which has appeared on NonGNU ELPA on March, 31st. Is it possible you are still using 2.2.0?
You are right. I happened to update my packages right in the middle between 2.2.0 and 2.2.1. Judging from the commits, the backtrace I am seeing should be addressed. I will test 2.2.1 version and let you know if any problems remain. Meanwhile, feel free to close the task.
Comment by ~yantar92 on ~tsdh/highlight-parentheses.el
"~tsdh" writes:
Can you get a backtrace with toogle-debug-on-error? Does that happen when you switch to a buffer where highlight-parentheses-mode is off?
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument overlayp nil) (overlay-start nil) (highlight-parentheses--highlight) (apply highlight-parentheses--highlight nil) (timer-event-handler [t 26126 44053 245233 nil highlight-parentheses--highlight nil nil 416000 nil])
e (current-buffer) #<buffer Org Agenda(i)>
highlight-parenthesis-mode is off in both agenda buffer and Org buffers. However, it is not off in the minibuffer. Doing something that involves answering prompt triggers the backtrace. (prompt is not the only way the bug is triggered)
My config:
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'highlight-parentheses-minibuffer-setup) (dolist (hook '( prog-mode-hook helpful-mode-hook debugger-mode-hook lisp-interaction-mode-hook)) (add-hook hook #'highlight-parentheses-mode)))
-- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at Support Org development at, or support my work at
Comment by ~yantar92 on ~tsdh/highlight-parentheses.el
After this fix I started getting errors - when
happens to be nil in buffer.
Comment by ~yantar92 on ~ushin/ushin
You may also consider a handler that intercepts all the file names, checks
or some keyword in Org file, and then possibly handles the file iff we are already inside/within context of a hyperdrive.
Ticket created by ~yantar92 on ~minshall/org-grep still has "See". You may consider updating the recipe.